My 2020 overview

1. Freelance career Our results in life are a direct reflection of our choices. If you want better results, make better choices. Make different choices. After about 6.5 years at one and only one company, I decided to move on and quit. It is not a big company but allowed me to develop cool products. I am thankful for the experience and knowledge I gained from our team. There are 2 reasons why I did it - leave comfort zone and find a stronger team. That should help me become better. Not better than others. Better than yesterday! I started my freelance career in late spring, allowing me to accomplish one of my goals that I had set at the outset of 2020, when I was travelling home for my fathers's birthday. It is not easy to start a freelance career, but if you have some management experience and pretty good experience with web (React and Node) and desktop (mainly C and C++) languages and technologies you will find work easily. I am not super talented but I know for sure that I always ...