Overview of C++20: Modules
Posts in "Overview of C++20" Ranges Concepts Modules TBA: ... 📌 Disclaimers: The idea of this overview is self-education. Please consider this post as my notes during the reading. The main goal - keep it simple and short. Not this one, sorry. ❗ There is no guarantee that below theoretical and practical parts are correkt and up-to-date. Table of Contents Introduction Old Good Headers Module Structure Some More Details The PImpl Idiom And Modules What Else? Summary Sources Introduction C++20 standard brought modules to us. It's definitely a big language feature that requires lots of efforts to understand it. In short, modules are a new way to organize, encapsulate, and isolate the code. I think I spent several weeks to read plenty of theory and test lots of examples. At first, it seems easy. Then I releazed it...