
Overview of C++20: Coroutines

Posts in "Overview of C++20" Ranges Concepts Modules Coroutines TBA: ... πŸ“Œ Disclaimers: The idea of this overview is self-education. Please consider this post as my notes during the reading. The main goal - keep it simple and short. ❗ There is no guarantee that below theoretical and practical parts are correkt and up-to-date. Table of Contents Introduction Sync vs Async and Concurrent vs Parallel My First Coroutine The Awaitable Interface Some More Details In addition Summary Sources Introduction Coroutines are complex but revolutionary step towards elegant asynchronous programming in C++. You can write code that looks sequential but executes asynchronously. Yeah, coroutines are all about asynchronous programming. So what's that? Let’s sort out some terms before writing the first coroutine. Sync vs As...

Overview of C++20: Modules

Posts in "Overview of C++20" Ranges Concepts Modules TBA: ... πŸ“Œ Disclaimers: The idea of this overview is self-education. Please consider this post as my notes during the reading. The main goal - keep it simple and short. Not this one, sorry. ❗ There is no guarantee that below theoretical and practical parts are correkt and up-to-date. Table of Contents Introduction Old Good Headers Module Structure Some More Details The PImpl Idiom And Modules What Else? Summary Sources Introduction C++20 standard brought modules to us. It's definitely a big language feature that requires lots of efforts to understand it. In short, modules are a new way to organize, encapsulate, and isolate the code. I think I spent several weeks to read plenty of theory and test lots of examples. At first, it seems easy. Then I releazed it...

My 2021

My previous yearly summaries 2018 2019 2020 πŸ“Œ Disclaimer : It's not about self-promotion, boasting, teaching or advising. First of all, this summary to the future self and secondly, I learn English this way. That's all. Nothing more  πŸ˜‰ 1. 30 πŸ™ˆ At the age of 20 I posted on : 20 Π»Π΅Ρ‚, Π° Ρ‚ΠΎΠ»ΠΊΡƒ Π½Π΅Ρ‚ The translation must be "20 years old, but no sense". I didn't have a job. I wasn't a bright student. I was doing nothing. Time flies and now I'm 30 . Many things've changed... I'd like to think so  πŸ™‚ 2. Investments πŸ’° I am gonna start with a small list which describes the last year in my view: Inflation is here. Maybe the most discussed topic in the latest financial news. One advice I remember clearly from Warren Buffett. He said that the first best thing you can do to protect against inflation is to invest in yourself and your skills. And the second best protection is a wonderful ...